Manufacturer's Representative
Municipal Water and Waste Water
Sales and Factory Authorized Service

846 S.
Myrtle Avenue #2
Monrovia, CA 91016

Ultimate gas detection with MSA's
UltimaX and UltimaX3 series of self-calibrating gas monitoring
systems for combustible gas, toxic gas and oxygen deficiency
monitoring. HART output is now available.
Full pipe averaging multi-point insertion
magnetic flow meter for clean water applications and single point
magnetic flow meter for both clean and dirty water. These meters
insert into a full and pressurized pipe through a two-inch full-ported ball valve and are
designed for pipes from 4 to 120 inches in diameter.

Easy to understand water quality monitors
for Free, Combined and Total Chlorine, De-Chlorination, Residual Sulfite, Fluoride,
Residual Ozone, Free and Total Ammonia, Turbidity, Particle Counter, pH, Conductivity and gas
detection on wet scrubbers for hydrogen sulfide, chlorine gas and sulfur

Industry standard pressure, differential
pressure, temperature transmitters, magnetic flow meters, pH, ORP
and conductivity transmitters. Analog only, HART, Foundation
Fieldbus and FoxComm digital protocols available. Standard five
year warranty.
Magnetic Level Indicators (MLI)
with flapper or shuttle indication. Accessories include
level switches and Eclipse guided wave radar level transmitters.
Suitable for all chemical storage tanks used in the water and
waste water industries.

The municipal water and waste water
division of Magnetrol Int'l offers: Pulsar radar level
gauging, guided wave radar level gauging, ultrasonic open channel
and level measurement, thermal dispersion mass flow metering and
switches, and rising disc flow switches for shower and eyewash

Flumes, (Parshall, Palmer Bowlus,
Trapezoidal and H-Type), Packaged Metering Manholes suitable for traffic
loading. Fiberglass corrosion resistant shelters for chemical or
instrument housing. Custom-made FRP level gauges and Foul-air

You need to ask for a catalog.
Dwyer has about everything. Magnehelic pressure gauges for low
pressure, Capsuhelic low pressure differential pressure, Photohelic low
range pressure switches, Mercoid bourdon tube pressure switches in brass
and stainless steel, WE Anderson vane-type flow switches, V6 low-flow
switches, valves, air flow metering, and just about anything you can
think of for your project.

AGM Electronics manufactures signal
conditioning modules that can split analog signals, provide isolation,
integrate flow signals for totalizing flows, and provide high and low
alarms. They offer modules to convert resistance to 4-20 mA DC, and V
to 4-20 mA DC. adders, subtractors, linearizers,
multipliers and now even Analog to Digital converters compatible with
spread spectrum wireless transmitters.